Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Learning an instrument- for all the autodidacts over here

This is an easy trick you can do if you want to improve quickly in an instrument. Please share this post if you think it's valuable.

Hey guys, 

I've been playing guitar for 10 years now and I'm 21 years old. I had some guitar classes, but I can say the most I learned was by myself. 

It's not because you are an autodidact that you can't achieve a certain level of skills on the guitar. 

I'm not going to describe everything I had to do to learn an instrument by myself, but I am going to share this 1 piece of advice that I would share with every guitar player out there. 

Spend time watching your idols on YouTube. We live in an era where we don't have to buy tickets to go to a concert anymore. You can watch tons of concerts for free on the internet, so you should use that. 

Now, why I'm I saying that? because we -humans- are used to learn fundamentally by watching others do. Since we are babies we learn by watching our parents do and watching other people act. That's how we learn the most because we do that since the day we are born. We are still like that. 

By watching your favorite guitarist play on YouTube, you can learn more than you can even imagine. I learned tons of tricks and licks only by checking Eric Clapton play a solo or Stevie Ray Vaughan giving his best on stage. 

A next level would be taking your guitar and learning these solos. But start off by simply watching other guitar players do- you'll be surprised how much you learn. 

Thanks and I hope it helped. 


PS. You can watch me play guitar LIVE on Periscope app (live-stream app). My handle is @NickRivera. Hopefully see you there! 


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